News Error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '" Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="readNews.aspx.vb" Inherits="_news" %> Senior Amateur Tour
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Sturdivant, Poteat, Tyler and Sturgeon all win at Piper Glen on Monday!
Posted: 6/17/2014 11:50:11 AM

Championship Flight:

Craig Sturdivant from the Raleigh Tour fired a 71 for the victory on Monday.  Bill Phillips edged out Brad Kroll for second place with 73 and Mike Gentry held on for 4th place after being 4 under par after the first three holes.  Kroll shot 74 and Gentry 75.

A Flight:

Billy Poteat used his eagle 3 on the 18th hole to beat out Bob Olsen on the card playoff as both players fired 77’s.  Richard Boone and Scott Ide tied at 78 with Boone grabbing third place money on the card.  Mike Ringuette also shot 78 but did not cash.

B Flight:

Toby Tyler got his first win of the season with 79 and Chet Brileya finished in second with 81.  Tommy Bedenbaugh and Bill Greiner rounded out the top four spots with Bedenbaugh shooting 82 and Greiner winning on a card playoff at 83.   

C Flight:

Bill Sturgeon and Sindo Mayor finished one and two as Sturgeon fired an 82 and Mayor 83.  John Henly shot 87 for solo third and Herman Hart shot 88 beating out Larry Hindson on the card playoff. 

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