News Error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '" Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="readNews.aspx.vb" Inherits="_news" %> Senior Amateur Tour
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Posted: 4/7/2014 8:23:15 AM
Jeff Thompson and Bill Holland win at River Run!

Raintree now just one day regular tournament Tuesday on the North Course:

Tee Boxes: North Course

Champ & A Flight: Blue tees (6400 yards) play 2, 3, 4, 12, 14 and 16 from whites in your practice round to get this tournament yardage

B & C Flight: White tees (6200 yards)

Championship Flight:

Dan Hendrickson won by 4 shots as he fired 74 on Monday at River Run.  Ken Powers cashed for the first time this season with a second place 78 followed by Gary Bell at 80 and Jerry Sennett at 82.  Sennett beat out Rock Pickard on the card playoff.

A Flight:

Jeff Thompson wins by one shot with 78 just beating out Tom Carbone who finished in solo second with 79.  Larry Culler was in contention the entire day until a triple bogie late derailed him at 80.  Both Culler and Richard Boone tied with Culler winning third place money on the card.

B Flight:

Marty James won for the first time in several years on tour as he has had many surgeries over this time frame.  James fired an 82 to beat out Terry McClure and Toby Tyler for the victory.  On the card playoff McClure grabbed second place money and finishing in solo 4th was Bob Deaton at 85.

C Flight:

Bill Holland had his best round ever on the senior tour and also took over the C flight points lead with an impressive round of 81.  Tim Reid and Bob Talbot were right on his heals but finished 2 shots back at 83.  Reid then beat out Talbot on the card playoff for 2nd place money.  Bill LoVine finished with 87 and cashed in 4th place.

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